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gambang gongsa/gangsa

decorative geometric shapes on a gamelan
The gambang gangsa of the gamelan sléndro K.K. Surak.

An archaic metallophone with between 16 and 19 bronze bars of graduated length resting on top of a trough-like wooden casing that serves as a resonator. The bars are struck with two small hammer-like beaters with heads made of buffalo horn or wood. The instrument produces a clear, penetrating metallic sound. Gambang gongsa are not typically found in gamelans manufactured after 1900 CE.  When included, only one gambang gongsa is found in a gamelan. Its earlier (19th c.) playing style has been lost, though for gamelans including this instrument but no saron peking the upper register of the gambang gangsa is sometimes used as a saron peking.

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